SOLID September 20, 2010 5 2,654 Site Updates

OTA2 (the current OTA) was just to hold our head above water for a greater OTA that I'm currently working on... and that's OTA3. I expect the newER OTA to be released within a month or so... but no later than the end of october (crossing our fingers). The new OTA will be focused on artists and the ability for them to upload and even sell their music/beats as well as having current news in the underground music industry scene. A brand new LIGHTER design will also be incorporated.

This job is not going to take 6+ months like the last version simply because we are dropping one script, since we currently use 3. So once the re-design project is done in another week or two, the implementation process starts. That should take another week or two then the forums re-design project starts. Hopefully that should take no more than 2 weeks. After the entire design process is completed (4-5 weeks), the most important part of the ENTIRE OTA 3 project takes place... and that's SEO. To find out what exactly needs to be done, read here:

Some things are temporarily getting dropped, like: groups, blogs, photos, polls & videos... and will probably be re-introduced when traffic picks up. The new OTA 3 should be done by mid-late october, hopefully. I'll keep you all in tune!

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